I did this one Friday night after coming home from a leadership conference at church. It was an amazing and powerful time for me. I felt God's quiet nudge into a direction my heart has longed to go for some time. A confirmation of sorts. I have been trying to find the direction to go with my life since coming back home to care for my mom...giving up a career in theatre and trying to find my way in a city pretty devoid of art. Anyway, this was just a quick doodle to try to capture some of the emotion I was feeling so that I could fall asleep.
Created in my moleskine sketchbook with oil pastels, blended with my fingers and fixed by spraying with good old aqua net.
Aqua Net ... is that hairspray?? Cool.
Beautiful art, Jackie. It's positively exploding with passion!
Yes, hairspray, cheap as chips, and aresol (ya I know, not PC). Everyone says it will turn yellow with age, and I suppose it will, but stuff from college hasn't yet..some 30 years ago. This stuff is in my sketch book, so not worried about it as much as other stuff. I just ran out of workable fixative. jackie
i really like the composition of this piece and the passion behind it. great work jackie!
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