Drawn with conte sticks. The quote is an exerpt from a longer poem by
Patricia Lynne Reilly called "
Imagine a Woman". This poem is a powerful piece. I have wanted to do something with this poem for a while, the exerpt I used here just seemed to tumble out onto the page for me tonight. It says: "Imagine a woman in love with her own body. A woman who believes her body is enough, just as it is."
I can see that this month is going to be just what I have needed to kick start myself again to get into the habit of creating on a daily basis. Even though I am exhausted both physically and emotionally tonight, I couldn't settle into bed untill I got up and did my piece for today. How crazy is that? *grins*
When I was designing costumes for theater I lived, breathed and slept creativity on a 24 hour a day basis. Since leaving theatre to move home to care for my mom, I have discovered other avenues of creativity, other ways to express it. But have been challenged to find the time to be creative on a daily baiss, to find the time to fit it into the routine of my life. No excuses really, just need to make it a living part of my daily routine again.
I so appreciate the feedback I have been getting. this type of creativity is so different from costumes. I have been creating in a vacum, not showing my work to anyone...not necessarily by choice, just that I don't have the same kind of network to share my creations with that I did in theatre. I had no idea what others would think of my work. I wasn't sure what I thought of my work. I just keep creating. So thank you so much to those who have taken the time to look at my November Art. I so appreciate your feedback. I have been so inspired by several of you over the years of visiting your websites. I appreciate the generosity of spirit you have in sharing not only your creations, but your techniques, thoughts, struggles, and wisdom. Thanks.